Costică Acsinte (stage-name of Constantin Axinte, born on 4th of July 1897, Perieți, Ialomița county — deceased on 7th of January 1984, Slobozia) was a romanian war photographer active in World War I and after.
— From Wikipedia article „Costică Acsinte“.
This is the official website of Costică Acsinte Archive project who’s main objective is the digitization and long term storage of Costică Acsinte’s photographic work: around 5.000 glass plates negative, a much smaller number of film negative and an unknown number of phorographic prints. The gross of the archive is in the custody of Ialomița County Museum.
My name is Cezar Popescu and i run the project by myself.
This website exists because of these people.
Cezar Popescu
Born on January 8, 1976, photography enthusiast with lots of spare time. All-arounder at Costică Acsinte Archive.
Radu Jude
Radu is a film director. And he made a movie using some Costică Acsinte’s photographs, called „Țara moartă / The Dead Nation“.
Andrei Bădoiu
Andrei is a chemist, first class philatelist and a passionate photographer. He is also a very good friend of mine.
Denisa Niță
Born on June 14, 1993, Denisa is studying journalism. And writes. Very well actually.
Milena Harrison-Gray
Freelance Picture Researcher & Photo Editor at Archive Weaver, Milena tirelessly tagged Acsinte’s photographs on Flickr, increasing their visibility.
Jonathan Morse
A professor of English at the University of Hawaii’s Manoa campus in Honolulu, Jon writes about photography and the ways that its images work together with language.
Anca-Maria Pănoiu
Ethnology student, Anca wrote a long article about Costică Acsinte: „Pe urmele lui Costică Acsinte. Rămășițe“.
Ana Barton
Owner and writer at, editorial manager at and senior editor at Beau Monde Mirese.
Luchian Abel
Born on November 15, 1986 in same town where Costică Acsinte had his photographic studio, Luchian Abel is a journalist for Observator24 newspaper and Times New Roman.
Daniel Moanță
Daniel Moanță is a romanian language teacher in Slobozia, Ialomița. And an old (elementary school old) friend of mine.
Several friends send us prints made by Acsinte, from their personal collection.
If you have such a prints, please do contact us, we would be more than happy to add them to Costică Acsinte Archive.
Constantinescu Nicolae
Constantinescu Nicolae supplied us four photographs paper prints from his personal collection. Mulțumim, Nicu!
Valentin Minciu
Valentin Minciu borrowed us three photographs on paper from his personal collection. Mulțumim, Vali!
Clementina Tudor
Clementina contributed to the archive 15 prints from her family album. Mulțumesc mult, Cleme!
Ileana Șerban-Pârâu
Ileana kindly send me a photograph made by Costică Acsinte from her personal album. Merci mult, Ileana!
Roșca Petre Valeriu
Valeriu gave us 11 pictures made by Costică Acsinte, including the oldest known studio photograph, date January 1928! Mulțumesc, Petre!
Pîslaru Bogdan Cosmin
Pîslaru Bogdan Cosmin sent us more than 80 prints.
Cristina Georgescu
Cristina Georgescu kindly brought us a print from her personal collection. I mean she traveled more than 100km to Slobozia and handed the print — that’s dedication!
Anca Danielescu
Anca sent us with 4 prints and 2 digital photographs.
Radu Emanuel Mihai
Claudiu’s brother, Radu did the same helpful operation: translation from romanian into english. Because of him and his brother, Acsinte’s Flickr account is now more accessible.
Ștefan Sava
Ștefan Sava contributed 28 prints from his personal collection.
Maria Zaru
Occasional scribbler, researcher of dreams and semiotics amateur, often imagines a world of straightforward happiness. Has helped with translations, editing and proofreading.
Claudiu Mihai
Claudiu Mihai volunteered to help in his free time (he’s a busy full-time medic): he quietly translated and improved my sometimes awkward pictures’ description from romanian into english.
SC Orion SRL Slobozia
Tatiana Pop, SC Orion’s CFO, kindly co-sponsored the printing costs of Foto-Splendid second volume, „Doamne și Domnițe“. Mulțumim Tatiana!
IDimager Systems
Hert Vanzwietering kindly agreed to help the project with a free licence for his extremely powerful photo-management software, Photo Supreme.
E Pluribus Unum
Aurelia Ciupercă of „E Pluribus Unum“ NGO, co-sponsored the printing costs of Foto-Splendid second volume, „Doamne și domnițe“. Mulțumim mult, Aurelia!
Tipografia SA
Mirela Dacici provided free of charge prints that were given away at „Martor la mai multe sfârșituri de lume. Colecția Costică Acsinte, sursă pentru o istorie socială a secolului al XX-lea“ talk, organized on March 31st, 2014 by Facultatea de Istorie București and Asociația Română de Istorie Socială.
Luminous Endowment
Mario-Cezar Popescu recognizes the Luminous Endowment for Photographers for making a significant financial contribution to support the „Memories and Stories“ Preservation of the Costică Acsinte Archive project. Without such support, this project would not have been possible.