The Rise of Eastern Culture / Another Dimension Festival, Białystok, Poland
Fifty photographs on display at Białostocki Ośrodek Kultury during August 30th — September 12, 2018. Many thanks to Wschód Kultury / Inny Wymiar Festiwal 2018, Sabra Daici and Institutul Cultural Român Varșovia for organizing the event.Țara albă. Costică Acsinte. Noaptea albă a galeriilor
22 prints displayed at Artera Gallery, Bucharest, during Noaptea Albă a Galeriilor 2017
Fenomenul Costică Acsinte
Open talk about Costică Acsinte. 69 photos displayed
Permanent exhibition, Slobozia
A partnership between the Asociația Culturală Atelierele Albe and Centrul Cultural UNESCO „Ionel Perlea“ — Ialomița, there is now a permanent exhibition dedicated to Costică Acsinte in Slobozia. The grand opening will be on 31st of july, 2017 — make sure to be there!...PhotoMarathon 2017
15 A0 prints on display during 11–14 May 2017 at PhotoMarathon 2017, Timișoara