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Costică Acsinte Archive project as seen by media

Thank you all for your support!


Mirela Oprea published her impressions about Costică Acsinte project on Mulțumim frumos, Mirela!

Foto Splendid/Colecția Costică Acsinte lansată la Iaşi
Lansare de carte si expozitie inedita de fotografie din arhiva de aur a fotografului interbelic, Costica Acsinte
Blog oribil de nedemocratic, cu stăpânire tiranică și extrem de nedreaptă

Pistolul cu buline

Nora Pavel shared her thoughts about Acsinte’s first photo-album by writing a article („Costică Acsinte al nostru, al tuturor“) on Pistolul cu buline website. Mulțumesc mult, Nora!

Literatura de azi

Literatura de azi

Alina Pavelescu kindly wrote the preface for the first Acsinte photo-album and Simona Preda interviewed her („Fotografii de poveste“) about the Costică Acsinte Archive and published the piece on Literatura de azi website. Mulțumesc mult tuturor!

Buzz Feed
We Heart Vintage

We Heart Vintage

Mary — „a mum, web designer and vintage-addict“ — wrote a nice article („Moving 1940s Photo Portraits by Costică Acsinte“) about my project. Thank you very much, Mary!

Only Romania


Adrian Posteuca made a very nice and detailed documentary about Acsinte („Costică Acsinte, fotograful istoriei“) for his Bonton show aired on Digi24. Mulțumesc, Adrian!



Stephen Marr wrote an article („Artist uses early 20th century portraits to create surreal modern-day makeovers“) for the Metro website. Thank you, Stephen!

cooperativa tradițională

cooperativa tradițională

Cooperativa Tradițională advertised („Colecție de fotografii vechi, semnată de Costică Acsinte@Muzeul Țăranului“) Costică Acsinte exhibition organized by Bucharest Photo Week. Vă mulțumesc!


Cultura—Fundația Culturală Română

Anca-Maria Pănoiu published an abridged version („Rămășițe. Pe urmele lui Costică Acsinte“) of her long article about Costică Acsinte in Cultura magazine. Merçi, Anca!


Ivan Sánchez wrote a very interesting article („10 tesoros fotográficos rescatados del olvido“) about some great photographs not known till recent times, including those made by Costică Acsinte. Gracias!

Jyllands Posten

Uffe Christensen wrote an lengthy article („Ukendt pige knytter tre skæbner sammen“) about Costică Acsinte and Jane Long’s creations for the famous daily danish newspaper. Tak!


Pooiee Loh from Malaysia wrote an article („Aussie Photographer Transforms Vintage B&W Photos Into Magical Art“) for the australian magazine Techlÿ about Costică Acsinte project and Jane Long derivative work. Thank you!

Messy Nessy Chic

On popular website MessyNessyChic an article („Faded Faces: The Recovered Archives of a Forgotten Photography Studio“) appeared about my project, fully illustrated with Acsinte’s photos. Thank you!


Herr Kurt Tutschek wrote an article („Ein Schatz löst sich auf“) about our project and got it publish in the well-known german publication Spiegel. Danke, Kurt!

lomography published a news about our project for german speaking audience. Dankeschön!

The Baltimore Sun

The Darkroom section of the Baltimore Sun website featured an article by Kalani Gordon („Digitizing negatives: Costica Acsinte, WWI army photographer“) about our project. Thanks!

NBC News

NBC News published the story („Negatives Go Digital for Romanian WWI Army Photographer“) of Costică Acsinte on their website too. Thank you!


Ionuț Maxim wrote an article („Salvandu-l pe Costica Acsinte“) about Costică Acsinte Archive that was kindly published by Mulțumesc mult! Later edit: at this moment, the original article is paywalled, so you can read the Q&A on


Bogdan Cristel visited us two times in order to finish his extensive photo-report for Reuters news agency. He also kindly wrote an blog post („Faces of Romania’s past“) about this experience. Mulțumim mult, Bogdan! is a partner who organized a nice digital restoration contest regarding one of Costică Acsinte’s photograph. They also published an interview about our project. Mulțumesc Radu & Mircea!

Știrile TVR

Arhiva Costică Acsinte: Cum a fost recuperată o lume aproape uitată a României de demult“ is the name of the article that appeard on TVR website. Thank you, guys!

Daily Mail

Australian based journalist Kate Lyons kindly took me an interview („Ghosts from the land that time forgot: Race against time to save secret black-and-white archive of doomed country“) that appeared in MailOnline, a Daily Mail division. Thanks again, Kate!


One of the firsts article („Busca la identidad de las 5.000 personas retratadas en los años veinte por un fotógrafo rumano“) that emphasize the public domain character of Costică Acsinte Archive. ¡Muchas gracias!

Dalena Vintage

Leslie Torbett kindly took me an interview about my project and published it („The Costică Acsinte Archive“) on her website. Thank you again, Leslie!

Romania-Insider, a daily news in english from România website, took time to compile an article („Volunteer digitizes old photo collection of ‘Romanian ghosts’“) about Costică Acsinte and our project. Thank you Corina Chirileasa & Volker Moser!

Historia published an article via Adevarul about Costică Acsinte. Thank you!


Petapixel published an article („One Man’s Quest to Save a Haunting 5000-Portrait Archive from the Clutches of Time“) about my project too. Thank you!

The Phoblographer

The phoblographer republished Time’s article about Costică Acsinte. Thank you!

Philly-Bob's Visual Art 2013

One man’s art, using digital manipulation of images from the Public Domain to make creative remixes. In some circles, this is called Post-Post-Modernism, or “po-po-mo.” He decided to use two of Costică Acsinte’s photograph as a start for a new original work. I strongly encourage you for pay him a visit and, why not, acquire his art.

Honor et Patria

Honor et Patria

A stranger who maintains a blog and a flickr page helped identify lots and lots of uniforms, medals and military insignia that appears in Costică Acsinte’s photographs. When in doubt he/she consulted with Mr. Emil Boboescu, an expert in this field. Thank you both!

Les carnets de la phonothèque

Les carnets de la phonothèque

Véronique Ginouvès kindly echoed Flickr announcement on Les carnet de la phonothèque in her article Les photographies de Costică Acsinte dans le domaine public. Thanks again, Véronique!

Gala Societății Civile

Gala Societății Civile

Gala Societății Civile Foundation awarded the Art and Culture section’s first prize to Costică Acsinte project. Sîmtem onorați!


Foto(grafii) Splendid(e) din Colecția Costică Acsinte

Nona Rapotan wrote another article („Foto(grafii) Splendid(e) din Colecția Costică Acsinte“) about Costică Acsinte and his Viața socială photobook. Mulțumesc mult, Nona!

Costică Acsinte şi franjurii păcălitori ai vechimii

Costică Acsinte şi franjurii păcălitori ai vechimii

Irina Ionescu-Homoriceanu wrote a very touching article („Costică Acsinte şi franjurii păcălitori ai vechimii“) about Viața socială photo-album. Mulțumesc mult, Irina!

Hai-hui printre cuvinte

Otilia Bălinișteanu wrote a kind article („Ioc interes prin târg“) about my project and the first photo-book published. Mulțumesc mult, Otilia!

Dilema Veche

Iulian Comănescu published both on print and online an article („Fotografiile lui Costică Acsinte. Specificul“) about our project. Mulțumesc, Iulian!

F64 Blog, Colecția Costică Acsinte


Costică Acsinte Archive’s old friend, Cristina Țintă, asked me few questions about my project and published an article („Colecția Costică Acsinte“) on F64 blog. Mulțumesc din nou, Cristina!

Marie Claire

Marie Claire

Oana D. Botezatu wrote an article („Fotografii vintage de Costică Acsinte, într-un proiect inedit“) for well known Marie Claire magazine. Mulțumesc, Oana!

World is a mess


Dani Corban wrote an article („Români admiraţi de jurnaliştii străini“) about Costică Acsinte Archive that appeared on re:acții website. Merci mult, Dani!

The Guardian

Lens Culture

Jane Long wrote for Lens Culture an article about her work („Dancing with Costica“), mentioning Costică Acsinte Archive too. Thank you, Jane!
Art & Culture
Ziariști Online

Ziariști Online

Victor Roncea supported the project during the IndieGogo crowd-funding campaign on his wonderful website. Mulțumesc mult, Victor!

Le Divan Fumoir Bohemien

Florizelle wrote a kind article („Foto Splendid C. Acsinte“) about Costică Acsinte archive on her personal blog. Merçi beaucoup!

Swedish Picture Suppliers Association

Another article („Historien om fotografen Costică Acsintes 5 000 gamla glasplåtar“) about Costică Acsinte Archive appear in the swedish website Bildleverantörernas Förening (Swedish Picture Suppliers Association). Tack!

Bored Panda

„Historic Glass-Plate Photos from Romania Restored and Turned into Colorful Art“ is the name of the article that presents the work of Australian photographer Jane Long who did something amazing with Acsinte’s photographs. Thank you!

Daily Best

Marco Villa published on Daily Best a very kind article („Gli splendidi ritratti d’epoca di Costica Acsinte“) about Costică Acsinte. Grazie!

Clubul Foto

Călin Stan published on his highly visited website an article („Colecția Costică Acsinte, imagini unice care conturează portretul României interbelice“) about our indiegogo campaign. Mulțumim, Călin!

International New York Times

International New York Times published on page 2 of 13th of march, 2014 newspaper an article („Salvaging a lost time“) dedicated to Costică Acsinte. Due to their subscription based policy, there is no direct link. Thank you, Esther!

La Repubblica

An italian translation („Prima Guerra Mondiale, le foto del soldato in digitale“) of Reuters article was published in La Repubblica. Grazie mille!

Chicago Tribune

A short article („Saving photos, preserving history“) citing Reuters appeared in Life and Style section of the Chigaco Tribune. Thanks!


Constantinescu Nicolaie kindly published on his great website an article of mine about the Costică Acsinte digitization procedure („Aspecte tehnice privind Colecţia Costică Acsinte“). The document is also available as PDF.

Simpy Bucharest

Simply Bucharest published a very kind article („Costică Acsinte: o altă comoară“) about my project. Mulțumesc mult!

Origo Fotó

Origo published an article („A kis vasgárdista és a szétszabdalt arcú lány“) and a photo gallery about Costică Acsinte. Köszönöm!

Portuguese language news portal from Brazil, published an article („Arquivo de fotógrafo da Primeira Guerra fica disponível na web“) about Costică’s photographs. Muito obrigado!



Cristina Țintă — one of the editors of Foto4All — was the first person to actually donate hard cash. The magazine featured a full page advertising our crowd-funding campaign in issue 34-35. Thank you, Cristina and Foto4All!

Radio Campus

Tudor Clementina took me an interview about Costică Acsinte project that aired on 6th of February 2014 on Radio Campus and they kindly allowed me to publish it on vimeo. Vă mulțumesc mult!


They published own version („Time: Fantome româneşti şi cursa pentru salvarea unei arhive impresionante de fotografii“) of the original Time’s article. Thanks.

Jurnalul vânătorilor

An image from Costică Acsinte Archive caused Alexandru Cercel to write an article („Amintiri cu dropii“) about a extinct bird that once populated Romanian plains. Merci mult, Alex!


Carmen Porteiro worte for this spanish based magazine an article („Rescatando el archivo de Costica Acsinte“) about our project. Muchisima gracias!

Projects that matter

Details Matter

The Momentologist kindly listed Costică Acsinte Archive as „Projects… I adore. I would love to work on. that show humans aren’t hopeless.“ You have my thanks!

Gura Ialomiței

Florin Floreanu (one of the oldest friends of the project) published recently a post („Pariul lui Mario cu Acsinte“) on his

România Liberă

Marius Cosmeanu wrote an article for România Liberă („FOTO Celula de criză a unei arhive: colecția Costică Acsinte“) about how time destroys Costică Acsinte archive. Thanks Marius! The article appeared also on HotNews under the same title.

The Art Part — A blog about photographs and words

The Art Part

Professor Jonathan Morse was kind enough to write two articles about some of Costică Acsinte work: All happy families are alike: the portraits of Costică Acsinte and Two grammars of seeing. Thanks you again, professor!



A short presentation (in german) about our project. Danke!

The passion of Former Days

The Passion of Former Days

In her article „Photographs in Terrible Condition“, Anna Krentz uses some of Acsinte’s photographs to illustrate the coolness of photographic negatives’ decay. Thank you!

de Lunula

de Lunula

Troy Farah wrote a nice article „The Tattered Remains of Costică Acsinte’s Ghostly Photographic Plates“ about our collection.  Thank you!

Flickr The Commons


Needless to say it again, by allow us into the Commons, Flickr helped raise the awareness about the imediate danger the photographic plates are facing. Since their announcement, hundreds of thousands of people viewed the content of the archive and hundreds more encourage us to continue! Thank you all!

There’s also a later citation of Costică Acsinte project on flickr’s that can be read in the article „Throwback Thursday: Costica Acsinte“. Thanks again!



Radu Jude (director) and Ada Solomon (producer) official announcement about their new movie production about Costică Acsinte.

Broken Glass-Plate Portraits from Romania (1940s)
This Artist Transformed Vintage Black-and-White Photos Into Surreal Art

Constantin Ciofu

Constantin wrote on his personal blog („Seară splendidă la Casa de Cultură „Mihai Ursachi”“) about an event he and his photo-club organized around Costică Acsinte project. Mulțumesc domnule Ciofu și mulțumesc Clubul Fotografilor Iași!

Yet another photography blog

Cuvinte—Picături de suflet

Liliana wrote a beautiful piece of an article („Costică Acsinte și oamenii minunați de lângă noi“) about Acsinte’s first photo-album. Mulțumesc mult, Lili!

Îmi pasă

Să nu uităm

Dragos Vartejanu published an article about Colecția Costică Acsinte on his personal blog, Să nu uităm. Mulțumesc mult, Dragoș!

Costică Acsinte, un vechi fotograf român profesionist datat la 1920

Emanuel Mareș

Emanuel Mareș published on his personal blog an article („Costică Acsinte, un vechi fotograf român profesionist datat la 1920“) about Costică Acsinte Archive. Mulțumesc, Emanuel!



Sorin Sîrbov took me an interview that was aired on The Money Channel and kindly allowed me to upload the video file to Mulțumesc, Sorin!

Get Lokal
La Revista
Dilema veche
Great News Logo

Pro TV

Raluca Mănița took me an skype interview and used some of my work posted on youtube and some Jane Long’s work too to illustrate a news that appeared on ProTV („Povestea lui Costica Acsinte, fotograful ale carui poze din 1900 sunt readuse la viata. Cine este in spatele proiectului“). Mulțumesc, Raluca.

Ziarul de Vrancea

Ziarul de Vrancea

Sorin Tudose took me an interview („Interviu cu Cezar Popescu, managerul proiectului Colecţia Costică Acsinte“) about my Costică Acsinte project and published it in Ziarul de Vrancea. Mulțumesc mult, Sorin!

Neptun TV

Beatrice Popa kindly invited me to the show she produces („Asta-i viața“) for Neptun TV  where i talked live with the host Elena Calcan and her guests about Costică Acsinte life and work. A recording of the show can be found here. Mulțumesc mult!

Radio România Cultural

Radio România Cultural

Radio România Cultural advertised („Tezaur fotografic românesc – Colecția Costică Acsinte“) Costică Acsinte exhibition organized by Bucharest Photo Week. Vă mulțumesc!


Lesli Larson wrote an article („From the archives – Costică Acsinte“) with a central theme of decay in Acsinte’s photographs. Thank you, Lesli!

Latte Fashion Delicious

Active supporter of Costică Acsinte Archive, Raluca Mocrei published a condensed but very direct article about the IndieGoGo campaign. Mulțumesc încă o dată, Raluca!


Constantin Nimigean kindly posted on his online magazine an article („Costică Acsinte Archive needs your support“) about our crowdfunding campaign. Mulțumesc mult, Constantine!

Cristian Bassa posted on the same website first review about Acsinte’s first book. Mulțumesc, Cristi!


The same Reuters article tranlated into greek („Αναμνήσεις της Ρουμανίας σε αρνητικό“) was published on Kathimerini website. Thanks!

Realitatea TV

Ioana Paverman and her team took time and passion to make an very detailed documentary about Costică Acsinte for RealitateaTV show, Reporterii Realității. You can view the video or read the accompanying article („Comoara din inima Bărăganului“) on their website. Mulțumesc mult, Ioana!

Amazing Romanians

Corina Tataru wrote an nice article („Costica Axinte and a look back in time“) about Costică Acsinte Archive project. Mulțumesc, Corina!


Mr. Sergiu Aursulesei wrote a nice article („Amazing Hidden Collection of Portraits Brought Back to Life“) about Costică Acsinte and the status of our project. Mulțumesc, Sergiu!


Marius Smădu wrote for MediafaxZoom a short informative text („Viaţă cotidiană în România interbelică“) about Costică Acsinte and its photographic legacy. Mulțumesc!

Time Lightbox

Time published on its photography division, Lightbox, an article written by Eugene Reznik („Romanian Ghosts: The Race to Save a Hauntingly Beautiful Photo Archive“). Thank you guys!

Evenimentul Zilei

Roxana Roseti wrote an article („Fotografii vechi INCREDIBILE din ROMÂNIA“) describing who Costică Acsinte was and how our project is rescuing his heritage. Mulțumesc mult, Roxana!

Bence Földi wrote an article („A bölcsőtől a koporsóig – fotók a második világháború előtti román vidékről“) about Costică Acsinte’s life and his legacy. Köszönöm!

Știri de Montreal

They published an article about Costică Acsinte and how the archive joined Flickr Commons. Mulțumesc mult!

Time Machine

Zoltán Jókay wrote on his blog a very touching article („Costica Acsinte/ We will be gone“) about what Costică’s photographs means to him. I strongly suggest to pay him a visit. Thank you, Zoltán!

Focus - Escola de fotografia

Prof. Dr. Enio Leite Alves wrote an article in portuguese („Arquivo de fotógrafo da Primeira Guerra fica disponível na web“) about our project that was published on Focus — escola de fotografia website. Muito obrigado!

MNN PhotoBlog

Catie Leary published in MNN’s photoblog an article („Haunting treasure trove of historical photos salvaged in Romania“) about our project! Thank you Catie!

allin popescu

Alin Popescu supported the project since its begging. He is my brother. Thanks bro!

Ionela Samoila wrote an article („Lupta pentru a ne salva tezaurul: Fotografiile de razboi ale lui Costica Acsinte“) for about our project. Thank you, Ionela!

Revista Online de Tehnologie

Even before we actually started the digitization process, helped me make a short video about Costică Acsinte and his heritage. You can still view it online on youtube.

Portretul României Interbelice

Portretul României Interbelice

A project of, „Portretul României Interbelice“ used some of Costică Acsinte’s photographs to illustrate their section of Ialomița county.

I missed someone?

Did you find an article about Costică Acsinte not listed above? Or maybe you wrote something that i missed? Please do let me know!